
Are Diverging Forecasts from the Bank of England and the OBR Cause for Concern?

April 9, 2024

The economic forecasts presented by the Bank of England and the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) are increasingly diverging, raising concerns about the potential implications for policy decisions. Chris Dorrell delves into the significance of this discrepancy.

Foundation for Policy Decisions

The forecasts released by the OBR and the Bank of England serve as critical benchmarks for economic policy decisions in the UK. They not only reflect the outlook of esteemed economists but also underpin key policy determinations.

Impact on Fiscal Policy

For instance, the recent debates surrounding the Chancellor’s fiscal headroom during the Spring Budget were heavily influenced by the OBR’s forecasts. A slight alteration in these projections could have significantly impacted decisions related to tax cuts.

Basis for Monetary Policy

Similarly, the Bank of England’s forecasts play a pivotal role in shaping decisions regarding interest rates. Despite facing market criticism for its reluctance to cut rates, the Bank’s stance is rooted in its assessments of the UK economy.

Striking Discrepancies

Notably, the forecasts from these two institutions paint markedly different pictures of the UK’s economic trajectory. For instance, in terms of GDP growth, the OBR projects a more optimistic outlook compared to the Bank of England’s projections.

Potential Fiscal Ramifications

The divergence in forecasts has tangible fiscal implications. Oxford Economics estimates that substituting the Bank’s forecasts for the OBR’s could result in significantly lower tax revenues, potentially impacting the feasibility of tax cuts.

Productivity Optimism vs. Pessimism

The OBR’s relative optimism stems from a bullish perspective on productivity growth, contrasting with the Bank of England’s cautious outlook based on past trends.

Inflation Projections

The discrepancy extends to inflation forecasts, where the Bank of England and the OBR diverge on future trends. This disparity poses challenges for determining appropriate monetary policy measures.

Policy Alignment Challenges

The divergence between these forecasts underscores the challenge of aligning monetary and fiscal policies cohesively. This becomes particularly crucial during periods of economic uncertainty and political transitions.

Implications for Policy Alignment

Ensuring that both monetary and fiscal policies are synchronized requires a shared understanding of economic trends. The divergence in forecasts between the Bank of England and the OBR underscores the complexities of policy coordination in an evolving economic landscape.